How we can help
If you are a resident of Woolooware Shores Retirement Village, looking to maintain strength and independence, or seeking strategies to assist your chronic condition, illness, or injury, we are onsite to help.
Accredited Exercise Physiologists are university-qualified allied health professionals whose services may be covered by private health insurers or possibly subsised via Medicare, Department of Veteran's Affairs or Home Care packages.
1:1 Physical / Educational Services
As we age beyond 50, movement is still crucial, however, the way we move will likely need to accommodate other changes and conditions developed over our lifetime.
Exercise Physiology For You has a particular interest in people ‘with a number’ beyond 70 and pride themselves on the strength and activity levels of 90+ year old clients!
Services focus on maintaining muscle mass through strength training, balance practice for fall prevention and, maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness, so you can continue to do the things you love.
See below for more information regarding Medicare and Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA) subsidised services.
1:1 Services
Chronic Disease Management - Medicare subsidy
Your GP can determine eligibility for a GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangement for up to 5 subsidised allied health appointments per year.
After a discussion about your current needs, your GP may complete an Enhanced Primary Care Referral (EPC) - the 5 sessions can be split amongst Allied Health modalities to best manage your conditions.
What chronic conditions can an Accredited Exercise Physiologist help with? http://exerciseright.com.au/chronic-conditions/
Chronic Disease
Department of Veterans Affairs - DVA subsidy
DVA Health Card holders (Gold and White) can discuss eligibility for subsidised services with their GP. A DVA referral (D904) is required prior to attending a 1:1 exercise physiology appointment.
The referral from the GP must specify the condition/s to be treated.
Clinically necessary treatment may be provided for either 12 sessions or 1 year – whichever ends first. A maximum of 3 treatment cycles can be provided per calendar year.
Note, DVA will not fund exercise physiology services provided on the same day as other musculoskeletal services treating the same condition, such as physiotherapy, osteopathy or chiropractic services. Please be mindful of your appointments & keep communicating with your practitioners and GP.
Learn more about Veteran Health Care Cards here.
Department of
Veteran Affairs
Small Group Programs
Based on seasonal demand & popularity, our small group programs include:
Active Aqua
Muscle Moves - for strength and balance
Neuro Power - for people with Parkinsons and other neurological conditions
Lungs 'n' Limbs - aerobic training and breathing techniques
Balance - high needs, fall prevention education
Pilates - for those able to get up / down from the floor
Type 2 Diabetes - 8 week group program
All clients must first be assessed prior to attending group exercise sessions.
It may be necessary to attend multiple 1:1’s, if you are new to exercise or if it is deemed further skill / strength is required.
It is advisable that all group exercise participants also complete a home exercise program - this can be provided at your request via a 1:1 appointment.
Small Group
Pre and Post Surgery
Having a procedure? Wherever possible, it is best to build or maintain muscle mass and joint function prior to surgery to minimise loss through inactivity or reduced movement. This applies to joint or heart surgery, or even surgery for cancer. Working with the advice of your surgeon, specific protocols are followed to meet your needs.
Exercise Physiology For You can prepare you for surgery and rehabilitate you on the other side too.
Pre and Post
Telehealth Appointments
Exercise Physiology For You offers phone or video appointments via Zoom / Whats App / Skype. All you need is a computer or a device with internet connection.
Using technology is a great way to make exercise fun! Exergaming is currently being trialled overseas, but we hope to use it to aid recovery in stroke patients, reduce Parkinson’s symptoms and restore neurological function to the elderly.
Exercise Physiology For You welcomes people under the following Support Systems:
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
DVA Health Cards (Gold and White) are accepted as payment upon a GP referral
GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangement
Type 2 Diabetes Assessments for Group Services
Commonwealth Home Care Packages (CHSP) and Home Care Packages (HCP)
An aged care assessment (ACAT) must first be arranged via My​AgedCare
National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS
Self- managed clients, less than 65 years